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Maths Wiz & Engl..
PRIME Mathematics Co..
PRIME Mathematics Co..
English Wiz eLearnin..
Maths Wiz eLearning ..
Science Wiz eLearnin..
The Seven O'Clock Be..
SOAR...believe, you ..
A Bajan Christmas..
PRIME Mathematics Co..
PRIME Mathematics Co..
A Day in the Life of..
Maths Wiz & Engl..
English Wiz eLearnin..
Maths Wiz eLearning ..
Apple Cinema 30"..
$100.00 $90.00
Canon EOS 5D
$100.00 $80.00
Caribbean Titles
The Seven O'Clock Be..
SOAR...believe, you ..
A Bajan Christmas..
A Day in the Life of..
What People Says

A great resource during Covid. Got some ebooks and an elearning program for my kids, 16 and 10 years.

Got instant access to my ebooks over on that section of the website!

Excellent place to find materials for the kids. They have products for all ages.

I found all of the course books I was having trouble finding locally on! It was really great because some of them had rental options which meant I paid less overall.
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